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Programs and soft for phones
pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[In our site is 104 programs, on this page programs for all, 40 pt.
sorted by rating ]

Program JADMaker 1.10   for all
JADMaker 1.10

[category: all]
JADMaker 1.10
This program creates JAD files for your JAR Java games so you can install them on your mobile phone. Skachali only *.jar? Do not know, whence to take *.jad? This program for you! It is necessary to drag on it jar as near to it will appear corresponding jad!
Rating this program: 84391 pt.
See details and download this program...

Program Sound Midi Convertor  for All
Sound Midi Convertor

[category: All]
Sound Midi Convertor
The program for processing melodies. Understands different formats, including *.mid, *.kar, *.mmf, *.dxm and many other things. This program realizes, tries to realize more precisely, converting WAV and MP3 files in format MIDI.
Rating this program: 76242 pt.
See details and download this program...

Program Mobile Music Polyphonic v2.1  for all
Mobile Music Polyphonic v2.1

[category: all]
Mobile Music Polyphonic v2.1
The converter between MIDI, MP3 and MMF formats, editing of calls for mobiles phone. Serial here
Rating this program: 71975 pt.
See details and download this program...

Program HandSet Manager for all
HandSet Manager

[category: all]
HandSet Manager
" The manager of phone " - the professional program tool intended for users of mobile communication, developed for simplification and expansion of a data structure
Rating this program: 63741 pt.
See details and download this program...

Program Wav2amr / Конвертер amr файлов for all
Wav2amr / Конвертер amr файлов

[category: all]
Wav2amr / Конвертер amr файлов
Allows to convert amr files in formats wav and mp3
Rating this program: 62608 pt.
See details and download this program...

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