Mobile variant of the most popular desktop slot machine. In private with the opponent. Beat off a washer flying with wild speed, spend obmannye feints and hammer in goals! As the contender you can choose the player representing the certain country. At each country the rating shown by asterisks. The more asterisks, the the opponent is stronger. genre game: sport
Game added :28 февраля 2006 year
game rating: 40804 points
Attack Zeppelin-it Java which game of action occur during the Second world war. The player uses the air ship to bombard various kinds of enemy objects which are protected by planes and ground tanks. The player should avoid collision of the air ship with buildings. Game offers some levels of difficulty and missions. genre game: arcade
Game added :28 февраля 2006 year
game rating: 34655 points
Quite good toy which besides is advertising of company BMW. Besides races, in it there is an information on cars, such as volume of the engine, time of dispersal from 0 up to 100 km/h, etc. Is many lines on a choice on which you compete with opponents. As a whole it is drawn well enough. A kind on a line from a cabin of the machine. To finish the first it is complex enough, at me and it has not turned out. Can, at you it will turn out? Try. And if at you is not present personal BMW, especially try, can, to you and not genre game: racing
Game added :06 февраля 2006 year
game rating: 71313 points