Maks Damidzh comes back! Popular game, an alive legend 90x on a computer and prefixes, now was embodied on phones with support J2Me. Keep for a steering-wheel more strong, the driver - here is not present any rules! The Purpose of game - to win race at any cost. During race it is possible to press and destroy the opponents. For each failure alive money which can be spent for improvement of the fighting wheelbarrow are charged. But it is possible not only to buy details, but also to knock out from the victims. genre game: racing
Game added :13 июня 2006 year
game rating: 39675 points
Klasnaja a toy on a new cartoon film - Madagascar. First it is necessary to you runaway... You go, try to not come across on eyes to security guards of a zoo (it is possible to lean against walls, is direct as in SplinterCell) genre game: arcade
Game added :11 мая 2006 year
game rating: 68307 points
Shark Baddi invites all adventurers to make dangerous travel on nine fantastic three-dimensional worlds! Here you will be expected by enemies, various barrier and numerous bonuses. genre game: arcade
Game added :11 мая 2006 year
game rating: 35770 points
Wish to become the Champion on ice hockey? Absolutely new athletic field waits for crowd of the fans: the ice sparkles, and excitement before the beginning of game accrues. Around vanity and noise, but you should concentrate and prepare for the first match. After the first impact you join completely in game and already feel in the plate. Whether you are capable to crush the strongest commands of contenders? genre game: sport
Game added :18 апреля 2006 year
game rating: 36798 points
Go a pressure helmet and nalokotniki, catch at a rudder - in fact ahead of a hummock, a hole and potholes on which you now will depart bajk. In this bezbashennoj to game to the most important problem it will be absolutely kept in a saddle. For your motorcycle will so skip, that it will be envied by wild mustangs. Well and if you can be kept, try a following step - to win in race. In game so the physics of jumps and flights on potholes is funny realized, that willy-nilly, and will start to laugh loudly as mad. Game can seem genre game: sport
Game added :17 апреля 2006 year
game rating: 57535 points
You are ready to compete with abrupt guys? Only the most severe children are capable to participate in race on motorcycles to desert, and only best of them can win. It is race without rules, severe game where the prize, probably, becomes a life. You should push together other racers from road, pushing and running, cleaning competitors. It is war, and on war all means are good. Remember, if you not stolkneshih will push off you. genre game: racing
Game added :03 апреля 2006 year
game rating: 26441 points
Arm with mobile "weapon", march on a forward front line and try a fatal spark of the Second World war! The purposes are clear and sacred - to crush the enemy! At you, the fighter of division, the opportunity will become the participant of several operations of a various degree of complexity: full-scale approach, diversion with the purpose of investigation and rescue, a pursuit and tank fights. Together with Call of Duty (Feeling of a duty) put an end to bloody events of this war genre game: arcade
Game added :28 февраля 2006 year
game rating: 99922 points