Friends if you are the big admirer of roller boards this game for you. It is necessary pokarjat various obstacles as: ladders, a handrail, bardjurov, boxes and many other things. The broken hands and the broken noses to you are guaranteed genre game: sport
Game added :29 мая 2004 year
game rating: 36032 points
Bags with cement and sypjatsja, and sypjatsja from the top floor. And your problem - in time to open hatches to pass bags downwards, to cargo carriages. genre game: arcade
Game added :29 мая 2004 year
game rating: 18321 points
The story of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow SixTM : Raven shield evolves in the course of playing the game, it puts you in the hot seat as you battle terror in your own backyard. From a refinery in Amuay, Venezuela, to the international airport or Cayman brac. you will lead counter-terrorist missions. Terrorist have rigged the entire refinery complex with explosives, and are threatening to detonate them unless their demands are met. Your mission is to secure the area and disarm the explosives... genre game: shooter
Game added :29 мая 2004 year
game rating: 78918 points