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total on site 464 games

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Mobile phone game Star X
The next variation quite good space streljalki. All as always we kill enemies...
genre game: shooter

Game added :11 сентября 2004 year
game rating: 30331 points

Mobile phone game HalleyWars
Usual space streljalka, you fly on a rocket, ruthlessly shooting inoplanetnye spacecrafts
genre game: shooter

Game added :11 сентября 2004 year
game rating: 19604 points

Mobile phone game Tones of Love
Guess melodies and open a picture with naked girls! In the beginning of game the short melody made of 9 notes sounds. To each note there corresponds the figure. Try to repeat a melody, typing the necessary figures on phone!
genre game: erotic

Game added :11 сентября 2004 year
game rating: 67722 points

Mobile phone game Bricks n babes
Erotic arkanoid. From under bricks look out naked the beauty. We assort all on kirpichiku to see one more beauty.
genre game: erotic

Game added :11 сентября 2004 year
game rating: 35155 points

Mobile phone game Girl Gamble
The slot machine " the One-armed gangster " is played with girls on razdevanie, is fast priedaetsja though to look costs
genre game: erotic

Game added :11 сентября 2004 year
game rating: 67851 points

Mobile phone game Center Court
The world championship on tennis. On the screen the court is in the long term displayed. Your player should beat off submissions of the opponent. In game the original principle of management is used. As soon as the contender does impact, in the center of the screen the figure is lit. That it is necessary to return a ball of you to press this figure on the keyboard of phone. It needs to be made in time - not too quickly and not too slowly.
genre game: sport

Game added :11 сентября 2004 year
game rating: 34982 points

Mobile phone game Ball on the wall
Play in squash in garage and type as much as possible glasses, getting on subjects around: to trunks, bottles and guitars. And then try to reflect impacts at once two balls. Do not pass a ball!
genre game: sport

Game added :11 сентября 2004 year
game rating: 33439 points

Mobile phone game Monkey Ball
Cheerful beach volleyball. Cheerfully, first, because on the screen - summer and the sea, and second - two amusing obezjanki. One of them you operate, another - your mobile phone. Moving to the left-to the right, try to catch a ball and to send it back. In the purpose of game - to hammer it is as much as possible balls another obezjanke. It is amusing, that at hit in edge of the screen the ball jumps aside from him. It very much recovers game.
genre game: sport

Game added :11 сентября 2004 year
game rating: 32317 points

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