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Mobile phone game - Detonate
Mobile games \ logic games \ Detonate game rating 106039 pt.
As Lt Commander Zack Masters of the Freedom Alliance your aim is to destroy the Xieon Empire weapons which are guarded by Dr. Zork and his army of robots.
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This game for phones:

Самый большой выбор мобильников для данной игрушки:

Motorola T720(i) Motorola T722(i) Motorola T725 Motorola V300 Motorola V500 Motorola V525 Motorola V600

Nokia Series 30 b/w: 3410, 3570, 3585i, 3590 Nokia 6310i

Nokia Series 30 color: 3510i, 3520, 3530, 3560, 3586i, 3595 8910i

Nokia Series 40: 3100, 3200, 3300 5100, 5140 6100, 6200, 6230, 6560, 6610, 6800, 6820 7210, 7250i

Nokia Series 60: 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660 7610, 7650

Sagem MyV65 Sagem MyV75 Samsung E700

Sharp GX10(i) Sharp GX20(i) Sharp GX30

Siemens 2128 Siemens 3118 Siemens M46 Siemens M/T50Siemens C55 Siemens C56 Siemens C60 Siemens C61 Siemens MC60 Siemens M55 Siemens M56 Siemens S55 Siemens S56 Siemens S57 Siemens SL55 Siemens SL56

Sony Ericsson T610 Sony Ericsson T616 Sony Ericsson T618 Sony Ericsson T630 Sony Ericsson Z600

The additional information:
As Lt Commander Zack Masters of the Freedom Alliance your aim is to destroy the Xieon Empire weapons which are guarded by Dr. Zork and his army of robots.

Your only weapons are bombs exploding in the 4 direction you can move: Up, Down, Left and Right. Being hit by the explosion kills you. Luckily you can restart the current level and do not have to restart from the beginning. Enemy security robots, driving and flying, try to stop you - avoid having contact to them. Because they just move around by chance and do not have a real AI you can escape easily. To get access to the next level you have to find a key being hidden in one crate.

While you make your way through the 12 levels you collect several items, being hidden in crates as well, which help you to succeed Detonate!:

- 'Speed Item' makes you run faster - 'Bomb Item' enables you to place more than just one bomb - 'Fire Item' extends the range of your bombs - 'Armour' saves your life for one time after you are hit All items can be selected several times to power up their effect.

After nearly every 3rd level you are faced with one or even more boss. Theses boss are more intelligent and stronger than the other enemies and place bombs like you do. The AI of the boss is good - they place bombs intelligently and try to block your way with the bombs, not to give you a chance to escape. Nevertheless, the AI can be fooled - Otherwise you would not have the chance to defeat them.

After succeeding a mission the story goes on and is well told by briefing or by your hero. The graphic is well designed, though the rectangular levels just differ in size and position of the crates. The level build up could have been more complex with ramifications and dead ends. Fortunately crates and enemies are placed by chance which features variety.

All in all, Detonate! is an excellent strategy/action game - This game a must for every mobile gamer and once again it shows the effort Macrospace puts in it's games. If the game featured more levels and a more complex level build up, it would have gained more than 8 points.

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а на samsung s500 пойдет
name: слава

На МС60 прет и без проблем (на последних прошивках)
name: Silly_jedi

У менЯ не пошла:((((( SGH-X460
name: Demon

обожаю бомбермена! клаассная игра!
name: леха

игра бомба но после первого боса на моем с100 почемуто выбивает ;( очень обидно
name: zeke

стопудово играет на Siemens CX65!!! это старый, добрый Bomberman!
name: NIKO

прикольная игрушка идет на нокии 6230
name: Gold

Не идет на Siemens MC60.

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game added: 21 марта 2004

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