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Mobile phone game - Bubble Trouble
Mobile games \ arcade games \ Bubble Trouble game rating 30071 pt.
Bubble Trouble is a highly addictive puzzle game with great colour graphics. It combines strategy and pattern recognition. The rules are easy, but game is so addictive. Once you start playing you won't be able to put it down. What seems like a simple clicking game at first, quickly becomes as challenging as any game of strategy. The more you play, the more puzzling it becomes, and the more you find strategies to increase your score! For those who want even greater challenge, there is timed mode where each level should be finished in a certain time period.
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This game for phones:

Nokia 40 серия: 3100, 3200, 3300, 5100, 6100, 6200, 6220, 6230, 6610, 6800, 6820, 7200, 7210, 7250

The additional information:
Правила просты, но процесс игры действительно захватывает. Однажды начав играть, остановиться уже невозможно. То, что вначале выглядит как простое кликанье по рядам одинаковых фигур, быстро становится столь же сложным, как и любая стратегическая игра. Чем больше Вы играете, тем сложнее становятся задачи, и для увеличения счета все больше и больше начинает требоваться стратегическое мышление.

Для тех, кто обожает прыгать выше собственной головы, есть режим игры на время, когда на похождение каждого уровня отводится не больше определенного количества минут.

User reviews:
• This is maybe even more addicting than "Bejeweled", and the graphics are just as good. I downloaded the demo on Friday, and couldn't wait to get back to work on Monday to get the fully registered version. This is a cheap price for such a high quality game! (
• Amazingly fun game that is very hard to put down. Looks very nice on my M130. With just over 40K in size it will fit on any Palm device. Defenetly worth trying. (
• I have a hard time putting it down. There is always this 'just one more'. It's so simple and so addictive. I just hope high-res version will be out soon ! (
• One of the best game I`ve ever seen! It looks very nice! Since I found it I can`t stop playing. (

Comments disabed.
In future comments will be active.

Не качайте - jar на всех играх после 12 августа поврежденный. Количество, но не качество :( Проверяли бы сначала, прежде чем выкладывать.
name: Alexey

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game added: 17 августа 2004

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