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Mobile phone game - Rainbow Six Nokia
Mobile games \ shooters \ Rainbow Six Nokia game rating 78825 pt.
The story of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow SixTM : Raven shield evolves in the course of playing the game, it puts you in the hot seat as you battle terror in your own backyard. From a refinery in Amuay, Venezuela, to the international airport or Cayman brac. you will lead counter-terrorist missions. Terrorist have rigged the entire refinery complex with explosives, and are threatening to detonate them unless their demands are met. Your mission is to secure the area and disarm the explosives...
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This game for phones:

Nokia 40 series

The additional information:
Спецотряд "Радуга" проводит операции по уничтожению террористов. Вам предстоит пройти 3 миссии, спасти заложников, обезвредить террористов, разминировать бомбы. В игре 3 уровня сложности. Хорошая графика, играть ну очччень интересно. Общая оценка 5.

In Tom Clancy’s Rainbow SixTM: Raven shield, the player controls an elite counter-terrorist soldier leading the charge to secure his country’s freedom. The mission is to kill terrorists, rescue hostages and defuse bombs using different weapons and your radar, through 18 levels and 3 different locations : a refinery in Venezuela, an international airport, and an airliner. This unique tactical shooter is true to the original spirit of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow SixTM. A groundbreaking title from the world of PC and console gaming, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow sixTM : Raven shield is the game that every tactical strategy fan and action enthusiast should own.

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Как устаноить игру на нокиа 3650 ???
name: Тимофей

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name: Anton

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name: keng

Блин, если в телефоны вводить адрес jad -файла, то он не игру загружает, А просто отображает его как текстовый файл... :-J в чем причина?
name: Александр
email: нету

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game added: 29 may 2004

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