Игра доступна также для телефонов:
Самый большой выбор мобильников для данной игрушки:
Motorola T725
Motorola V300
Motorola V500
Motorola V525
Motorola V600
Nokia Series 30 color:
3510i, 3520, 3530, 3560, 3586i, 3595
Nokia Series 40:
3100, 3200, 3300
5100, 5140
6100, 6200, 6230, 6560, 6610, 6800, 6820
7210, 7250i
Nokia Series 60:
3600, 3620, 3650, 3660
7610, 7650
Sharp GX10(i)
Sharp GX20(i)
Sharp GX30
Siemens C60
Siemens C61
Siemens MC60
Siemens M55
Siemens M56
Siemens S55
Siemens S56
Siemens S57
Siemens SL55
Siemens SL56
Siemens SX1
Дополнительная информация:
Macrospace has done it again. They've raised the bar for what mobile games can and should be.
The general idea of Crash'n'Burn is to win the race - at any cost. Gameplay is simple enough. Win races to earn money and to gain points. Money allows you to buy weapons and items that can give you an edge in races. From missiles that stun your opponents and leave them stalling for a few seconds to nitro where when used, leave your opponents eating your dust to dropping oil canisters on the track to create oil slicks on the road. Points enable you to unlock the next track which is otherwise unplayable.
Tracks come in 3 varieties - Normal, Reverse and Precision. Normal tracks are a standard fare , race around the track and best your opponents. Reverse tracks mean you go in the other direction while precision has cones along the track and you must drive between the cones without touching them. Its not as easy as it seems - I have yet to get first place in any of the precision tracks I have played so far. Running the track is extremely fun. There are jumps, lakes and grass. Depending on your speed, you can make or break a jump and going on the grass slows you down.
I was also surprised to see a pretty decent level of customisation in this game. You can customise your car's color, to shadows, skid marks on the track, trees , smoke and much more. Effects are also done realistically. When your car takes too much damage, your car will start smoking at the engine to skid marks that appear when you make a hard turn or go over an oil slick.
The only downside to this game is that you cant upgrade your car. You have to beat levels to gain new cars, of which there are only 2 additional cars. If there was a way to upgrade parts like engines and tires, this game would be excellent! Also, the game AI can be a little erratic at times. Cars tend to "shake" at times like they are having a fit. Also sometimes a car will also go in the reverse direction for a few seconds before correcting itself and returning back to the right direction. Other than that ... I would recommend this game to anyone. 24 levels means you'll be busy all day long and with online based scoring, you'll be trying your utmost to be #1 on Macrospace's charts!

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wap адрес данной игры, для доступа с вашего мобильного телефона: java2phone.ru/games3/crashnburn\crash.jad

игрушка добавлена: 21 марта 2004