Игра доступна также для телефонов:
Motorola: Motorola C380, Motorola C650, Motorola V180, Motorola V220
Motorola: Motorola V300, Motorola V303, Motorola V500,
Motorola V525, Motorola V600
Дополнительная информация:
В пути вам поможет советник, который будет давать подсказки. Всего в игре шесть уровней. Для прохождения придется не только поломать голову, но и проявить недюжинную реакцию и скорость нажатия кнопки «огонь»!
Dan and Geri, the two "Breakout Bears," are trapped in a world of dangerous, floating islands. Unfortunately, the islands don't float very well, so the duo has only three minutes per island to escape. In order to leave a level, Dan and Geri just have to stand together next to a crystal found on each island--but it's the journey to the crystal that is filled with hazards. There are many kinds of monsters to deal with; some of these are only nuisances, while others are downright aggressive and deadly. To add to the bears' problems, the islands themselves are more or less mazelike.
Each bear has a different special ability to aid them in their escape. Dan is equipped with a freeze gun that turns the weakest enemies into ice cubes, while Geri can create and destroy small stone pillars. You can switch freely between the bears during gameplay. In order to reach the crystals that act as exit points, it's crucial to plan ahead and use the special abilities of both bears. You can use Dan's ice cubes to fill in the gaps between different sections of the island. Geri's stone pillars can be used to block enemies, alter their movement patterns, or to move ice cubes into desirable places.
The first half of the game's 30 levels are not challenging at all. You can play through them easily without any difficulty, let alone any deaths. The game's first few levels act as tutorials, teaching you the game's simple mechanics through conversations with your bear's father. These conversations are ongoing throughout the game and will offer you tips on any new situations during the course of play, which is always a nice feature. The last 15 levels are much more demanding, with larger areas, more elaborate barriers, and more aggressive enemies. Nevertheless, even these levels can usually be cleared after a few rounds of trial and error. The game loops over again once you beat the last level, but if you're aiming for the high score, there's no real reason to start from the beginning more than once.
Breakout Bears does a good job of communicating its basic gameplay with its audiovisuals. The game's graphics are large, colorful, and highly stylized, just like most of Sumea's games. The overall visual feel is somewhat surreal and dreamlike. Breakout Bears' music is good, if relatively unobtrusive. You'll hear it, but you won't really pay any attention to it.
Breakout Bears is easy to pick up and a good deal of fun to play. This game certainly isn't the most challenging puzzle game out there, but it's well designed and makes for a nice change from the more conventional puzzle offerings. Anyone looking for some minor brain exercise should give Breakout Bears a look.

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игрушка добавлена: 17 декабря 2004